Dr. med. Oliver Seemann

Magneticstimulation (rTMS)

Private Practice for

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Psychiater, Fachärzte für Psychiatrie und
in München auf jameda



Dr. med. Oliver Seemann – Psychiatrist – Psychotherapist

Neuro – Spa: Private Practice (for Neurostimulation): Weinstr. 3, c/o Prof. C. Franke, D-80333 München – 

Tel: +49 (0)179 4630768 (Mo-Th from 5 to 7 pm, Central European Time) – E-Mail: info@psychiater.org

My main focus is for about 20 years on rTMS (repetitve transcranial magnetic stimulation) and now since 3 years also on TPS. (transcranial pulse stimulation) As physician, pioneer and researcher, I offer more information on the Magneticstimulation Website.

Dr. Seemann started his studies 1988 in Heidelberg and absolved one year in Barcelona within the Erasmus- scholarship and returned to Germany where he finished in 1993 at the elite university LMU Munich.

With his dissertation in the field of hormone research he graduated magna cum laude.

After experiences in neurology and neurosurgery he was mainly interested in humanistic topics. Therefore he joined philosophical seminars at the LMU Munich (e.g. at Prof. Dieter Heinrich) in order to deal with the theories of self-affirmation, subjectivity and self-confidence.

After this, the relation between medicine and human sciences were of interest to him, what led him to pass further education measures as psychiatrist and psychotherapist at “Königlich Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik LMU München”. He is approved at the Bavarian Medical Council since 2001 as Consultant in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

Since 2002 he researches the effects of magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on psychiatric and neurological disorders and as a method to boost wellness and cognition for healthy people.

He is pioneer and so to speak “First mover” in german outpatient treatment with rTMS. Since 2002 he experienced the method in an individual manner dedicated to each patient, so he is one of the most experienced physician worldwide using rTMS.

Dr. Seemann´s capabilities are acknowledged by the Swiss Society for Interventional Psychiatry SGIP-SSPI with the diploma of “Interventional Psychiatry”. Since 2020 he is also working on boosting rTMS at the Psychiatric Center Breitenau, Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in his position as Dep. Chief Pysician. His focus is rTMS, low-intensity rTMS, bi-local rTMS, TPS, Photobiomodulation and mobile devices.

It is his vision to customise rTMS for as many people as possible to make them happy and to give them back their natural power by nature itself – in medical terms to give resonance to a self organised system.

Psychiater, Fachärzte für Psychiatrie und
in München auf jameda